Brahmavidya is an ancient philosophical and yoga practice that dates back thousands of years. The majority of world religions instruct their followers that every individual has a piece of the divine inside them. Simply...
Scientific experts currently think that mentally ill individuals are linked, from the detrimental effects of stress on one’s health to the favorable relationship between exercise and mood. The legitimacy of this relationship between the...
Adjustable beds are commonly found at hospitals and clinics, when the patient is healing from an illness or an injury the comfort for that patient is critically necessary. However, that isn’t the only function...
Loss of hair is a serious concern for most people because it is often accompanied by degraded self-esteem, lower self-confidence and self-image issues. Hair loss, in many cases, becomes so distressing that people hesitate...
Dry eyes may be defined as the condition where the eye cannot remain wet, causing uncomfortableness and resulting in vision problems. At present, there is no such treatment meant for dry eyes, but taking...
Sleeping is one of the most fundamental necessities and this has to be remembered from the very outset. Without sleeping our bodies will stop functioning and then we will not be able to accomplish...
The vagina is the most sensitive of female body parts. It is a muscular canal that connects the cervix and the body. Being an opening to the uterus of women, vaginas are extremely sensitive...
Although most people believe the main cause of back pain is an infection or a medical condition, it is also caused by bad posture. Both of them can cause pain in muscles by sitting,...
Most women experience heavy bleeding during their periods at a certain point in their life. This problem should not be ignored, especially when it is persistent and disrupts your daily routine. Here are some...
Earlier to the first COVID-19 case has been detected, an international research team expected that policymakers in public health from different countries might need suggestions to flatten the curve of widespread contagious COVID-19 and...